Ed Boasso has been in ministry for over 25 years. Prior to joining the staff at Santa Maria Vineyard, he served full-time for 12 years with an international ministry. During this time, he was an instructor at their full-time Bible school and a member of the leadership team. Ed has also traveled broadly both nationally and internationally as a church and conference speaker. His passion is to see the church empowered with a hope-filled view of God through the finished work of Christ, where believers can develop confidence in the Father’s love and move in the fullness of the power of the Holy Spirit. Ed is married to Kristi, who serves alongside him in leading the church, along with their two children.



Steve and Hoen Dastic have been part of the Santa Maria Vineyard since it’s beginning days in 1985. They were involved in all aspects of ministry with the church and served as elders throughout the years. In 1998 Steve and Hoen became the senior pastors of the church and served in this capacity through 2016 at which time they released the Senior Leader position to Ed Boasso. Together Steve and Hoen work to support Ed in his role as the senior leader of the Santa Maria Vineyard Church. They have two married sons, Nathan (Maribel) and Jeremy (India), who live and work in Southern California.